Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history

We are building the world’s largest database of social change milestones, from the first fire to today’s good news. Change is not only possible, it has happened consistently throughout human history. Filter by era, country, topic, actor, source, and more.


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  • Pregnant woman
    2020 C.E. September 9

    New AI algorithm predicts pregnancy complications

    Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have developed an algorithm capable of spotting signs of decidual vasculopathy in placenta tissue. The algorithm has correctly identified damaged vessels 94% of the time and healthy vessels 96% of the time.

  • "Immigrants make America great" sign
    2020 C.E. September 8

    New Jersey enacts new law to help undocumented immigrants find jobs

    New Jersey has become the second state to lift restrictions that bar undocumented individuals from obtaining occupational and professional licenses, which are necessary to enter a large number of career fields.

  • Bottle spray with gloved hand
    2020 C.E. September 8

    Unilever to invest €1bn in making its cleaning products fossil fuel-free

    A couple of months ago, Unilever announced a bold commitment to invest €1 billion over the next decade in projects that will help achieve net-zero emissions by 2039. The consumer goods giant is now planning to invest another €1 billion in eliminating fossil fuels from its cleaning products by 2030.

  • Hormel Foods store
    2020 C.E. September 8

    Hormel Foods to provide free college education to children of all its 16,000 employees

    Called “Inspired Pathways,” the program will begin in the fall of 2021. A spokesperson for Hormel Foods told GNN the company has 16,000 domestic employees and the program is open to any dependent child of those workers.

  • Porto
    2020 C.E. September 8

    Portuguese youth activists sue 33 countries over climate crisis

    Young activists from Portugal have filed the first climate change case at the European court of human rights in Strasbourg, demanding 33 countries make more ambitious emissions cuts to safeguard their future physical and mental well-being.

  • Pride flag
    2020 C.E. September 8

    Kansas commission adds LGBT nondiscrimination protections

    The commission that enforces Kansas’ nondiscrimination laws will begin hearing claims from people who allege they are being mistreated because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

  • Buses
    2020 C.E. September 8

    BYD delivers first electric bus fleet to the Carribean

    BYD (Build Your Dreams) delivered the first electric bus fleet for public transport in the Caribbean. The Barbados Transport Board recently received 33 BYD battery-electric buses and two more of the 30-foot buses will be delivered by December.

  • Honeybee
    2020 C.E. September 4

    Honeybee venom found to be “extremely potent” against breast cancer

    The team from Australia’s Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research found that a certain concentration of honeybee venom could be used to induce death in 100 percent of the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells largely unharmed

  • Happiness Museum
    2020 C.E. September 4

    The world’s first happiness museum opens in Copenhagen

    The 2,585 square-foot museum invites visitors to explore happiness from a global perspective that includes historical insights on how the concept of happiness has evolved over the ages, and the ways in which varying regional cultures define the term.

  • "Love Shouldn't Hurt" written on woman's back
    2020 C.E. September 4

    British postal service Royal Mail launches online safe space for domestic abuse survivors

    Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, domestic violence has got worse. Now, Royal Mail has launched an online portal that helps survivors access support and advice free of charge, which has a quick exit tool and doesn't show up in internet search history.

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