Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history

We are building the world’s largest database of social change milestones, from the first fire to today’s good news. Change is not only possible, it has happened consistently throughout human history. Filter by era, country, topic, actor, source, and more.


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  • Psilocybe semilanceata
    2020 C.E. November 5

    Oregon becomes the first state in the U.S. to legalize access to magic mushrooms

    Measure 109 apart it distinct from decriminalization efforts in that it offers a legal pathway to psilocybin therapy. It will establish a state-regulated program for using and obtaining them. In essence, accessing psilocybin as an adult in Oregon would be about as easy as signing up for counseling.

  • Cannabis leaves
    2020 C.E. November 4

    Arizona, New Jersey, South Dakota vote to legalize recreational marijuana

    Voters have approved ballot measures to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona and New Jersey, and both recreational and medical use in in South Dakota. Results have not yet been determined for Montana's ballot questions on recreational marijuana and Mississippi's medical marijuana measure.

  • Delaware's Sarah McBride
    2020 C.E. November 4

    Delaware Democrat Sarah McBride to become nation’s first-ever transgender state senator

    McBride, a former spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, overwhelmingly beat Republican candidate Steve Washington in Delaware's 1st District, a heavily Democratic district that includes the city of Wilmington.

  • A gray Nissan 350z
    2020 C.E. November 4

    Nissan to go 100% electric and hybrid in China by 2025

    Nissan is taking active steps to meet China’s recently-announced plans to follow a similar “eco-friendly” vehicle model throughout mainland China as soon as 2035. As part of its response, Nissan will announce 9 all-new or updated electrified cars between now and the 2025 model year, according to Nikkei Asia.

  • Rhinos standing in an open field
    2020 C.E. November 3

    New anti-poaching motion sensor recognizes when wildlife is on the run

    Modern sensors have given conservationists a powerful new tool in the fight against poaching. A new research project at the University of Twente could harness this technology in yet another useful way, by mixing motion sensors with machine learning to recognize when wildlife is responding to a nearby threat.

  • Refinery at night
    2020 C.E. November 3

    Engie halts its commitment to long-term $7 billion liquefied natural gas import contract

    This is being done under pressure from the French government, which holds a 23.6% stake in Engie. The delay was driven in large part by concerns over the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of US gas production, particularly from the Permian Basin, which will feed NextDecade’s proposed Rio Grande LNG export plant in Texas.

  • Nanaia Mahuta
    2020 C.E. November 3

    New Zealand PM appoints first female indigenous foreign minister

    After being re-elected in a landslide victory last month, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern continues to make positive progressive change in the country. Yesterday, she appointed Nanaia Mahuta as the country’s first indigenous female foreign minister.

  • Duomo in Milan
    2020 C.E. November 2

    Milan slashed its greenhouse gas emissions by reducing meat in school meals

    Five years after tweaking the schools’ cafeteria menus, the Italian city managed to achieve a 20 percent reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions — the equivalent of taking around 12,700 cars off the road.

  • Vote Scrabble letter with facemask
    2020 C.E. November 2

    2020 voter turnout in the U.S. surpassing 2016 already, especially among young voters

    By last Friday, more citizens had already voted in Texas than in the entire 2016 election. These early statistics show that 2020 could be a record-breaking year for early turnout across the entire country. Amidst the throngs of early voters is a dramatic increase in voter turnout among young voters.

  • Seoul, South Korea
    2020 C.E. November 2

    South Korea vows to go carbon neutral by 2050

    In a policy speech in the national assembly South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in said that South Korea, one of the world’s most fossil fuel-reliant economies, would “actively respond” to the climate emergency “with the international community and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050”.

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